상담문의 02-2051-9999, 이메일: admin@edumost.co.kr


이*오 학생 수강후기 (한국뉴욕주립대 - 총장장학금)





2010-2012년 수강  (SAT 2300점, 토플 114점)

SUNY Korea  - 총장장학금(4년 전액장학금)


이*오 학생 수강후기
Hey there, ladies, gents.

I’m a student attending (well, about to attend) Stony Brook University. I have Presidential Scholarship, covering tuition, fees, room and board.
Essentially, I have free tertiary education, and that wouldn’t have been possible, if not for Edumost.

I first went to Edumost when I was in eleventh grade. How I got there; that’s a long story. Well, perhaps not that long; one day my parents called and asked “Hey, do you want to study SAT?” and I said “Sure, why not?”
Jests aside, it did turn out to be a perfect choice. The classes were small, so that the teachers could pay more attention to the individual students. The curricula were excellent. The staffs were very amiable and helpful. In particular, I have befriended a teacher, whom I shall only refer to as G. We still hang out from time to time, talking about Philosophy, Political Science and Video Games.

One of the most helpful features of Edumost would be the App-Essay writing class. G and I sat down, each had a cup of whatever hot beverage of choice (Earl Grey for me), and forged my mess of incomprehensible babbling into something that the examiner could actually read and understand.
Edumost’s another defining characteristics would be the obligatory self-study session. I’m not exactly the most disciplined scholar in the world, so the study sessions were quite helpful to me. Besides, it wasn’t like I had anything better to do during the holidays. Every day, up ‘til ten o’clock, I sat down with my comrade-in-metaphorical-arms, and did my homework, which oddly enough, considering my span of concentration, didn’t take too long. Once I was done, I’d read a book or something.

Alright. There are so many other things that I’d brag about, namely the T&R session (it stands for Test and Review. Yeah, it’s exactly what you think it is) or the one-on-one lessons, but I’m reaching the end of the page as the famous mathematician Pierre de Fermat had said: “This margin is too narrow to contain.” For me, Edumost had been an enlightening, and tremendously useful experience, that which prepared me well for my university application. But most importantly, it was fun.
Cheers, folks. I hope your studies and applications succeed infallibly and without vicissitudes.
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